Our Collective Efforts

The COVID-19 Sports Advisory Committee is to serve as an advocacy platform for our region’s teams and organization. Given the fluid situation, the advisory committee meets regularly and provide valuable insight and industry expertise as we navigate this complicated public health challenge. The committee will follow the recommendations of the Public Health Officials and decisions that are first and foremost reflective of medical best practices and keeps the health and safety of student-athletes, sports community and fans as the number one priority.

The Committee's Focus

  • Alignment of best practices
  • Sharing of industry updates
  • Understanding of the Burden of Risk – Liability: Venue, Rights Holder, Event Operators, Participants & Patrons
  • Communication & Messaging plan
  • Shared message to invoke positive messages of Sport, Region & Tourism
  • Re-open plan when clearance is provided by our Public Health Officials
  • Serve as an advocacy group for our Bay Area sports organizations

Santa Clara County COVID-19 PSA Campaign

One of the main goals of the COVID-19 Sports Advisory Group is to assist communications and messaging regarding the pandemic. In partnership with Santa Clara County Supervisor Cindy Chavez, our advisory group launched a four-week Public Service Announcement campaign with the importance of masking up, getting the COVID-19 vaccine, and testing. The campaign will run through February with a new PSA coming out every Friday for the next four weeks.

“Athletes and coaches from the San Jose Sharks, the 49’ers, the San Jose Earthquakes, the San Jose Barracudas, San Jose State University and Stanford University did not hesitate to participate in these important public service announcements for Santa Clara County residents,” said Supervisor Cindy Chavez. “I appreciate the leadership of our hometown teams to show-up for our community.”

John Poch, executive director of the San Jose Sports Authority, said professional and college athletes and coaches are great messengers on the importance of masking up and getting vaccinated for COVID because people look up to them. “These are powerful public service announcements because the athletes and coaches are showing a united front in defeating the virus. They believe this is greater than the individual teams. They want to defeat COVID together,” said Poch.

Supervisor Chavez said the public service announcements can be used by all government agencies throughout Santa Clara County, Bay Area television stations, public organizations and residents on air as well as on their social media platforms and websites. “We want to cast a wide net and get the word out far and wide in Santa Clara County on masking-up, getting tested and vaccinated for COVID-19 by being straightforward and fun” said Chavez.

All PSAs will be uploaded to this page, below is the first 30 second public service announcement on masking up. Please spread the word!

COVID HS Sports Relief Fund

Since 1991, our programs have changed lives through scholarship opportunities, grants, and other forms of direct assistance to the greater of San Jose community. In order to continue to support youth athletics through these terrific initiatives, we ask you to please consider donating to the COVID High School Sports Relief Fund.

The San Jose Sports Authority’s intent of supporting the return of high school sports is about community and doing good and incorporating more civic initiatives into our efforts that show we are not just there to bring sports back for financial reasons, but we are there for the high school student-athletes and our community as well. With your support, our efforts in providing the funds to the Central Coast Section (CCS) will help accelerate that. The CCS is one of ten (10) sections that make up CIF. The geographical range for the CCS is from San Francisco to King City, which represents over 150 schools with 75,000+ student-athletes competing in 29 sports.


High Schools


Student Athletes




Amount Raised

Santa Clara County COVID-19 Dashboard

Santa Clara County is carefully tracking data related to the spread of COVID-19 in our local communities. To make this information more accessible, the Santa Clara County Public Health Office has created an online dashboard that centralizes resources and provides data regarding COVID-19 in our local communities. The dashboard features daily updates for the cumulative number of cases and deaths reported in Santa Clara County.

The information presented on the dashboard is dependent on reporting by numerous agencies across the County and outside partners. When visiting the site, please read the data notes related to each dashboard to understand any limitations in reporting.

To learn more, please visit the dashboard website at COVID-19 Cases Dashboard.

Andy Dolich

Dolich Consulting


Jamie Breslin

Stanford Athletics

Anne Cribbs

Bay Area Sports Organizing Committee

Charlie Faas

San Jose State University

David Grissom

Central Coast Section/CIF

James Hamnett

SAP Center at San Jose

Jacqueline Rochelle Lopez

Team San Jose

Jed Mettee

San Jose Earthquakes

Jim Mercurio

Levi's Stadium, San Francisco 49ers

Duane Morgan

Central Coast Section/CIF

Dan Orum

San Jose Giants

Aaron Woliczko

West Coast Conference

Jamie Zaninovich

PAC-12 Conference

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